Spare Drive Belt for Premium Van de Graaff Generator - Frederiksen [80914]

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Spare Drive Belt only (5cm x 76cm total length) for Frederiksen Premium Van de Graaff Generator (BEES Code 80913).

A top quality Van de Graaff used to produce very high DC voltages (< 100kV) with very low amperage, making experiments with the generator harmless (NOTE: not recommended for use with people with pacemakers) featuring a motor or hand drive split dome to show how charge is collected in the dome. The generator uses one nylon and one Teflon roller to create a double charging effect and sparks up to 10cm. The 220mm conductor sphere features a 4mm socket on the top to accept accessories with a 4mm plug.
Specifications: The ribbon generator is equipped with a conductor ball with a diameter of 220mm. The height of the generator is a total of 560mm and the total weight is 4Kg. The ball can be connected to other equipment via a Ø4mm socket. The supply voltage is 230V. The maximum discharge on the conductor ball is approx. 100kV corresponding to approx. a 10cm spark.